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With Gratitude...

Happy Almost Thanksgiving!

I'm a big believer in gratitude every day, not just one day a year. Every night at dinner my family goes around and says something for which we are each "Thank-you-full" (a colloquialism from my son when we started this tradition). Some days it's as simple as "I'm thank-you-full that we went to the playground today" to the deeper "I'm thank-you-full that we are safe and sound when there's so much crazy going on in the world." No matter what the content, I love reflecting back on what we are so lucky to have.

I find myself doing this a lot when it comes to Hartford Stitch. I try to express that gratitude as much as possible, but it never hurts to think of it all together, so here we go...

I'm thankful for Sara who said "Let's do this" when I texted her back in February saying that I wanted to revisit the idea of teaching sewing.

I'm thankful for my husband who listens to me endlessly chatter about ideas and grievances, who agrees to every detour to a fabric store when we're on vacation, who comes home early when I have a class and supports me to no end on this adventure.

I'm thankful for my kids, who at 3.5 and 1.5, show enthusiasm for sewing, who understand when I have deadlines, and who generally make my day one crazy whirlwind.

I'm thankful for our friends who also listen to me talk incessantly about fabric and projects and ideas and who were our first -- and continual-- guinea pigs.

I'm thankful for Karla at Imagine Studio, who opened her doors to us on the very first day we opened and has been supportive ever since.

I'm thankful for all of our business partners who surround us with creative energy and help keep our ideas fresh and accessible to you.

And I'm thankful for YOU: past, current and future students; our suppporters on social media and in real life; likers, sharers and commenters. I am so thankful that you are here to share this sewing journey with me. That YOU are allowing me to do what I love and share what I have learned. I'm thankful that you sat down at a machine without any experience no matter how nervous you may have been, that you took the time to learn something new even when your schedule was already packed, that you were unbridled with your excitement when you finished your project. Teaching sewing is so rewarding, but you make it all the better with everything you bring to our classes and parties.

So thank you, thank you, thank you!

I hope you all have wonderfully full, safe, and happy Thanksgivings! And I look forward to sewing with you soon!

All my love,


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